Many of us would have heard the Sonam Kapoor fat rumors doing the rounds during the promotion of Saawariya. Sonam, who is the elder daughter of Anil and Sunita Kapoor, had a less than spectacular debut into Bollywood, but has now carved a niche for herself with her dizzying love for everything fashionable.
It was only on a TV show during the promotions of her first film did the soon-to-be star revealed her fight against fat and flab. The sassy Kapoor lass used to be a heavy 90kg teenager, and reduced herself to a healthy 60kgs in a matter of a few months.
Sonam’s love for food developed when she was sent off to boarding school at the tender age of 15. The school was in Singapore and she was the only Indian girl living there.
It was in these surroundings that Sonam indulged in all kinds of junk food items that her mother had kept away from her back home. Reveling in the fact that she was free to eat whatever her wished, the teenage daughter of Bollywood’s Mr. India began gorging on large quantities of food to comfort herself.
Coupled with hormonal imbalances that are quite common for every teenager, and her excessive intake of junk food and other fatty foods, the teenage Kapoor’s weight increased from a decent 110 pounds to an unhealthy 198 pounds in a short time period of 4 months.
The actress herself has admitted that she was indulging in comfort eating at the time, and that her diet mainly consisted of pizzas and ice creams. In fact, she has also gone on to say that she used to consume at least three heavy meals a day.
Upon coming back from her stint at the boarding school in Singapore, her mother was distraught at the weight that her daughter had gained over time. Being a fitness buff herself, Sunita Kapoor realized that intervention was necessary.
It was during this period that Sonam Kapoor met with one of Bollywood’s leading directors, Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Their first meeting was meant for the to-be starlet to assist Bhansali on the making his exquisite film Black, which went to garner much appreciated and accolades for its direction, cinematography and acting.
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